Debugging CGI app with Visual Studio 2017

Started by JD, March 13, 2018, 04:33:50 AM

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Is it possible to debug CGI exe file build with Visual Studio 2017 with the Visual Studio 2017 debugger ?


You can, if you compile the exe in debug mode and run it on the same pc you habe VS2017 on. It might be easier to have debug outputs instead of going through the way with the IDE.

What is the issue that you are having with your app?


Thanks Mario.
I am not trying to resolve right now any problems, but I though it would be good to know for the future how to do it.
I am not quite clear if I understand your suggestion. The CGI program is called at run-time on demand, so how would I attach my VC debugger at the time I call it from browser and set for example the breakpoint?


I haven't done such a thing with a remotely triggered app. But it should be possible to set break points. Last time I've done that was with VS6 :D


Visual Studio has a remote debugging tool but I'm not sure it's freely available. MSDN subscribers can get it and if you paid for VS it probably came with it off the shelf. As for how to use it I don't know since I never have.