Apache 2.4.28 VC14 x64 with LibreSSL 2.5.5 and above

Started by long76, October 22, 2017, 01:57:48 PM

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The key word there is "should," evidently not.

I think kinichiro's answer was spot on.

You might want to file a bug report about it in Apache's bugzilla, somebody with a bigger brain than me might be able to either get it working or tell you why they will not get it working.

I would imagine OpenBSD's httpd does since LibreSSL is from the same folks. nginx seem to also have the kitchen sink added to it, even if it's not standardized (TLS/1.3 for one).

Of note: Apache has never claimed to support LibreSSL, it just support the OpenSSL that LibreSSL was forked from. That unfortunately was 1.0.1.