Update Policy

Started by rste, October 05, 2017, 03:07:25 PM

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Is there any official update policy for rebuilding newer Apache versions? Are you updating in specific time intervals or at specific events? I am missing 2.4.28 currently as a remedy to CVE-2017-9798.

Best Regards,


No, I usually try to get new releases out the day the source files are released. When there is any question if any one version is going to release I hold off until I know for sure.

There is a 72 hour build, test, and voting period first. This one was questionable from the first day. I've had to throw away builds before because they failed the vote and I don't like wasting my time building 8 different builds of any one release if it's going to fail. This one took over 6 days to decide to release.

I ran into problems building on all 3 VC flavors so it's taken longer than usual but they'll be online this afternoon my time.