Using mod_sed on both in/out filtering on same site

Started by henzen, June 23, 2016, 06:46:47 PM

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I'm trying to use mod_sed with both input and output filters at the same time. I can only get the output filter on it's own to work:

<Location "/var/www">
AddOutputFilter Sed html
OutputSed "s/123/abc/g"
OutputSed "s/stuff/ffuts/g"

I'd like to use an input filter too on the same site:

<Location "/var/www">
AddInputFilter Sed html
InputSed "s/abc/123/g"
InputSed "s/ffuts/stuff/g"

...but only the output filter is being used. In fact, if I activate the input filter, it disables the output filter, so nothing then works.

I'd appreciate any pointers in getting this to work.



It seems that I tried using mod_sed and ran into the same problem as you. I never found a solution and at sometime just tried other things to get to where I need to go. Unfortunately I do not remember what I was trying to do but I seem to remember I was able to get something usable with mod_substitute instead.