PHP getting Apache pids or PHP pids

Started by mario, March 02, 2009, 02:17:40 PM

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Sometimes it is usefull to get the PIDs from Apache or PHP which runs over FCGID to kill all the processes if it hangs up. Sometime I had that with the non thead safe version (NTS) to use its performance.

= new COM('winmgmts://');
$processes $wmi->ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = 'httpd.exe'");
$processes as $process){
'cmd line: '$process->CommandLine ' --> pid: '$process->ProcessId .'<br />';

or replace httpd.exe with php-cgi.exe and that kill it instead of print it out.

Notice: if you want to kill php-cgi processes you have to run that script with the php module in apache  ;) Otherwise the script maybe kills itself.