Updating Subversion modules

Started by SimonR, August 19, 2015, 11:55:06 AM

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Thanks so much for providing the subversion modules - we're using mod_svn-1.8.13-ap24-x64.zip very successfully and it is so easy to install.

Is there any plan to upgrade the Subversion builds, as 1.9.0 is now out ? We'd be happy to test and report back if that would help...

Many Thanks in advance..



There is a plan to build it. I already made a build how to based on the beta releases. https://gist.github.com/JBlond/d626693182dbfa5994f1
I only did not had the time to do so.


+1 on the packages, thank you so very much!  Add my vote for SVN 1.9 - when you get around to it - we're in the middle of a new server build out (upgrading from 1.6) and would love to be on the latest.


if you do the upgrade you have to do a dump and import the dump. Do not use the old repo. It might works, but I had heavy problems with that after some time.


Was definitely planning on doing so - thanks for the tip :)


I made a bit progess building 1.9.0, but I have an issue with the new serf version. I was never lucky with the 1.3.x version of it. So I used 1.2.1 for the older builds, but the current readme says that it needs at least 1.3.4


Thanks for the update, Mario.  Wish I could be of more assistance.


I figured out today that I need scons ( a tool for python) to build serf for svn. I think until late Sunday  ( CEST) I can do the build and some tests.



I did the build. All stuff built except of one required apache module and there are only three. I look into that tonight / night.
After that I do some stress testing and then I'll upload binaries.
I hope that it won't take long.

Yesterday wasn't much time cause my granny celebrated her 87th birthday ^__^ That seemed to be a better option instead of debugging a build.


Totally agree on the bday being more important!!  Thanks again for the update!


it is done. The dll's are still glowing from the CPU heat. Grab your copy as long it is fresh.


Awesome, nicely done Mario!!  I will crack it open and give it a run-through today/tomorrow - and report back.  Thanks!!


Hello. Best birthday wishes to your Gran - 87 is well worth a party  ;D ;D

I have installed and am running the 1.90 subversion. I replaced a fully operational 1.8.13 (test) environment. All seemed to work well at first, have re-imported a repository from a data dump, can browse to it using URL, can do anything readonly, but when I try and commit anything I get an authentication error. Also when I try and sync with my main production subversion (still at 1.7.8) I get this :
svnsync init --allow-non-empty <target repo URL> <source rep URL>
svnsync: E120190: Error running context: An error occurred during authentication

All of this worked fine with Subversion 1.8.13 modules.

I will probably switch back to 1.8.13 for now but I can fire up my 1.90 env if needed for debugging/testing. Any suggestions on how to find out what it is ?



Which Apache version do you use? I know that some older 2.4.x version have issues with the auth due an auth bug.